Newtok is one of four villages across Alaska facing immediate threat as a result of climate change. The banks of the Ninglick River are eroding quickly as a result of permafrost degradation. As the river encroaches on the first homes of the village, Newtok is already constructing a new village 10 miles away on Nelson Island. Garnering federal support and philanthropic funding is a challenge for the village—one reason BCSF has agreed to partner with Newtok on this important issue. In the summer of 2017, BCSF took multiple trips out to Newtok and the new site, called Mertarvik. The Foundation brought potential funders and partners to the village and has been involved in discussions about relocation options. In early 2018, the Newtok Village Council created an emergency fund at BCSF. The fund will help pay for activities that will indirectly or directly impact the relocation process of moving the community of Newtok to the safe site at Mertarvik.